IEEE International Black Sea Conference on Communications and Networking
24–27 June 2024 // Tbilisi, Georgia

Call for Tutorials

We seek to extend the IEEE BlackSeaCom experience by tutorials on selected topics given by renowned scientists and practitioners in their fields. We therefore solicit proposals for full-day or half-day tutorials on topics on, but not limited to, the theme of IEEE BlackSeaCom 2024 that is listed in call for papers. Tutorials may be lectures, interactive workshops, hands-on training, or any combination of the above. Successful tutorials educate the community members on emerging methods, concepts, and tools to expand the research capabilities of the community. Exploring diverse ways of interacting with the audience and cross disciplinary topics are welcome.

All tutorials will be part of the main conference technical program and will be available free of charge to the attendees of the conference. A tutorial can be for half a day, i.e., 3-4 hours of audience interaction, including questions, or a full day, which corresponds to 7 hours. Teams of 2-3 presenters are encouraged, though single-presenter tutorials are possible. Preference will be given to applications that involve at least one expert in the areas covered by the proposal.

Submitting a Tutorial Proposal

Tutorial proposals should contain the following information in a maximum of 4 pages:

  • Title
    Concise title.
  • Organizers
    The names, affiliation, contact information, and brief bio of the organizers.
  • Abstract
    Brief description of the tutorial in 1-2 paragraphs that will be used on the website to
    promote it to the conference attendees.
  • Topic and Relevance
    Description of the tutorial topic, providing a sense of both the scope of the tutorial and
    depth within the scope, and a statement on why the tutorial is important and timely,
    how it is relevant to the Web Conference, and why the presenters are qualified for a
    high-quality introduction of the topic.
  • Duration
    Proposed duration of the tutorial (half or full-day), together with the justification that a high-quality learning experience will be achieved within the chosen time-period.
  • Previous Editions
    If the tutorial was conducted before, where and when was it conducted? Please give
    details on the number of attendees, and how the proposed tutorial differs or builds on
    the previous ones. If possible, provide a link to slides of the previous tutorial

Tutorial proposals should be submitted in PDF format, should not exceed three (3) pages in total, and be sent to both Tutorial Co-Chairs.

Important Dates

Proposal Submission Deadline: 15 April 2024
Tutorial Acceptance Notification: 1 May 2024
Draft Tutorial Materials Due for Posting: 15 May 2024
Tutorial Presentations: TBA

Tutorial Co-Chairs

Dr. Abdullah Uz Tansel,

Andrii Astrahantsev,
